artifacthub helm/grafana/tempo-distributed 0.7.0

latest releases: 1.32.2, 1.32.1, 1.32.0...
4 years ago

License Change

  • v0.7.0 and future versions are licensed under AGPLv3 #660

Breaking changes

  • In an effort to move to byte based limits we removed some limits options and replaced them with byte based ones:
    max_spans_per_trace => max_bytes_per_trace
    ingestion_rate_limit => ingestion_rate_limit_bytes
    ingestion_burst_size => ingestion_burst_size_bytes
  • The Query/QueryFrontend call signature has changed so there will be a query interruption during rollout.

All Changes

  • [CHANGE] Update to Go 1.16, latest OpenTelemetry proto definition and collector #546 @mdisibio
  • [CHANGE] max_spans_per_trace limit override has been removed in favour of max_bytes_per_trace.
    This is a breaking change to the overrides config section. #612 @annanay25
  • [CHANGE] Add new flag -ingester.lifecycler.ID to manually override the ingester ID with which to register in the ring. #625 @annanay25
  • [CHANGE] ingestion_rate_limit limit override has been removed in favour of ingestion_rate_limit_bytes.
    ingestion_burst_size limit override has been removed in favour of ingestion_burst_size_bytes.
    This is a breaking change to the overrides config section. #630 @annanay25



  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add a Shutdown handler to flush data to backend, at "/shutdown". #526 @annanay25
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Queriers now query all (healthy) ingesters for a trace to mitigate 404s on ingester rollouts/scaleups.
    This is a breaking change and will likely result in query errors on rollout as the query signature b/n QueryFrontend & Querier has changed. #557 @annanay25
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add list compaction-summary command to tempo-cli #588 @mdisibio
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add list and view index commands to tempo-cli #611 @mdisibio
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add a configurable prefix for HTTP endpoints. #631 @joe-elliott
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add kafka receiver. #613 @mapno
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade OTel collector to v0.21.0. #613 @mapno
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for Cortex Background Cache. #640 @dgzlopes


  • [BUGFIX] Fixes permissions errors on startup in GCS. #554 @joe-elliott
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes error where Dell ECS cannot list objects. #561 @kradalby
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes listing blocks in S3 when the list is truncated. #567 @jojand
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes where ingester may leave file open #570 @mdisibio
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes a bug where some blocks were not searched due to query sharding and randomness in blocklist poll. #583 @annanay25
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes issue where wal was deleted before successful flush and adds exponential backoff for flush errors #593 @mdisibio
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes issue where Tempo would not parse odd length trace ids #605 @joe-elliott
  • [BUGFIX] Sort traces on flush to reduce unexpected recombination work by compactors #606 @mdisibio
  • [BUGFIX] Ingester fully persists blocks locally to reduce amount of work done after restart #628 @mdisibio

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