artifacthub helm/envoy-gateway/gateway-helm 1.1.4

one day ago

Release Announcement

Check out the v1.1.4 release announcement to learn more about the release.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed validate proto messages before converting them to anypb.Any
  • Fixed BackendTlsPolicy specify multiple targetRefs of the same service, only one will work
  • Fixed Envoy rejecting TCP Listeners that have no attached TCPRoutes
  • Fixed frequent 503 errors when connecting to a Service experiencing high Pod churn
  • Fixed reference grant from EnvoyExtensionPolicy to referenced ext-proc backend not respected
  • Fixed BackendTrafficPolicy not applying to Gateway Route when Route has a Request Timeout defined

Other changes

  • Bumped Rate Limit to 49af5cca
  • Bumped to 0.31.0

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4

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