artifacthub helm/dynatrace/dynatrace-operator 1.0.0-rc.2

latest releases: 1.2.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0-rc.0...
2 months ago

⚠️ This is a pre-release, which has no official support by Dynatrace. If you run into issues with this specific release, please open a Github Issue!

Release notes for v1.0.0 will be published in our official documentation.


For information on how to install the latest dynatrace-operator please visit our official Documentation.

Helm (recommended)

helm upgrade dynatrace-operator oci://   --version 1.0.0-rc.2   --create-namespace --namespace dynatrace   --install   --atomic
Other upgrade/install instructions


kubectl apply -f


oc apply -f


  • Add .spec.oneAgent.hostGroup field to Dynakube. The current way of adding it via args still works, but the dedicated field is preferred if both are set. This means the host group can now be configured for all deployment modes.

Full changelog will be published with the final release, including bugfixes and further smaller improvements!

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