artifacthub helm/dynatrace/dynatrace-operator 0.2.2

latest releases: 1.2.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0-rc.0...
2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the proxy setting was not properly passed when using immutable images (#213)
  • Fixed a bug where the proxy setting was expected in the wrong field in the secret when provided via proxy.valueFrom (#218)

Other changes

  • Removed PodSecurityPolicies since they got removed with Kubernetes 1.22 (#215)
  • Updated the apiVersion of the CRD from v1beta1 to v1 since v1beta1 got removed with Kubernetes 1.22 (#216)


The Operator can be upgraded from 0.2.1 with,

# Kubernetes
$ kubectl apply -f

# Openshift
$ oc apply -f

# Openshift 3.11
$ oc apply -f

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