⚠️ This is a pre-release, which has no official support by Dynatrace. If you run into issues with this specific release, please open a Github Issue!
Release notes for v0.15.0 will be published in our official documentation.
For information on how to install the latest dynatrace-operator please visit our official Documentation.
Upgrade/Install instructions
helm upgrade dynatrace-operator oci://docker.io/dynatrace/dynatrace-operator \
--set "installCRD=true" \
--set "csidriver.enabled=true" \
--version "0.15.0-rc.0" \
--create-namespace --namespace dynatrace \
--install \
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-operator/releases/download/v0.15.0-rc.0/kubernetes.yaml
oc apply -f https://github.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-operator/releases/download/v0.15.0-rc.0/openshift.yaml
- Creation and maintenance of the EdgeConnect entries in the Dynatrace Environment can be fully managed by the Operator.
- A new injection failure policy is added to the operator (i.e. install-oneagent init container). It always enforces the monitoring mode to the one specified by the customer in the DynaKube.
Full changelog will be published with the final release, including bugfixes and further smaller improvements!