artifacthub helm/dagster/dagster 1.3.6
1.3.6 (core) / 0.19.6 (libraries)

latest releases: 1.7.4, 1.7.3, 1.7.2...
11 months ago


  • Added an experimental dagster code-server start command that can be used to launch a code server, much like dagster api grpc. Unlike dagster api grpc, however, dagster code-server start runs the code in a subprocess, so it can reload code from the Dagster UI without needing to restart the command. This can be useful for jobs that load code from some external source and may want to reload job definitions without restarting the process.
  • Added a new sensors.num_submit_workers key to dagster.yaml that can be used to decrease latency when a sensor emits multiple run requests within a single tick. See the docs for more information.
  • [dagster-k8s] The k8s_job_executor can now be used to launch each step of a job in its own Kubernetes, pod, even if the Dagster deployment is not using the K8sRunLauncher to launch each run in its own Kubernetes pod.
  • [ui] When viewing a list of schedules or sensors in Overview or on individual code locations, it is now possible to filter by running state.
  • [ui] A new experimental asset overview page is available via user settings.


  • Fixed issue where asset jobs featuring a subset of a larger multi_asset could be rendered as an op-based job.
  • Fixed an issue where Pythonic IO managers could not be passed to the io_manager_def param on an asset.
  • Fixed an issue where late-binding an executor to a job, such as providing one to Definitions, would not correctly update the config schema.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where setting maxResumeRunAttempts to null in the helm chart would cause it to be set to a default value of 3 instead of disabling run retries.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where the k8s_job_executor would sometimes fail with a 409 Conflict error after retrying the creation of a Kubernetes pod for a step, due to the job having already been created during a previous attempt despite raising an error.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where dbt logs were not being captured when invoking dbt commands using the resource.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where if op_name was passed to load_assets_from_dbt_manifest, and a select parameter was specified, a suffix would be appended to the desired op name.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where using a path prefix for dagit would lead to JavaScript bundle loading errors.
  • [ui] Resizing the viewport while viewing the Run timeline now correctly resizes the timeline and its contents.
  • [ui] Ctrl-scroll to zoom the DAG view, and shift-scroll to pan horizontally now work on all platforms and an instructional tooltip explains the zoom interaction.


  • [dagster-dbt] Added a new implementation of the dbt Resource, DbtCli, in dagster_dbt.cli. This new resource only support dbt-core>=1.4.0.
  • [dagster-dbt] Added a new decorator @dbt_assets in dagster_dbt.asset_decorator that allows you to specify a compute function for a selected set of dbt assets that loaded as an AssetsDefinition.


  • [dagster-duckdb] New guide and API reference page for the DuckDB I/O managers and resource
  • [rbac] - Added documentation for the new Dagster Cloud Teams feature for role-based access control (RBAC). We’ve also revamped the documentation for Dagster Cloud user roles and permissions - check it out here.
  • Fixed a typo in the "Using Environment Variables and Secrets" guide (thanks snikch!)

Dagster Cloud

  • Fixed a bug in the multi-asset sensor where using context methods to fetch materializations by partition would cause a timeout.
  • The ECS agent can now configure sidecars to be included with the tasks that the agent launches. See the docs for more information.

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