artifacthub helm/cilium/cilium 1.7.3

latest releases: 1.15.4, 1.14.10, 1.13.15...
3 years ago

We are pleased to announce this bugfix release for the Cilium v1.7 series. This version fixes various bugs found in prior releases regarding the handling of the remote-node identity, transient connectivity failures during policy delete, services and other areas. The upgrade docs for the --enable-remote-node-identity setting have also been updated to more clearly describe the impact of enabling this flag. The release notes below link to the full details.

Known Issues

  • Request time out from container to other container using hostIP:hostPort on same host with portmap CNI chained (#9784). The fix is planned for v1.7.4.

Summary of Changes

Minor Changes:

  • bump k8s dependencies and test to v1.17.5 (#11046, @aanm)
  • helm: add option to enable automatic etcd name resolution (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #10918, @aanm)
  • Istio integration is simplified with Cilium build of istioctl. (Backport PR #10966, Upstream PR #10851, @jrajahalme)
  • pkg/logging: redirect klog output to logrus (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #10961, @aanm)


  • bpf: fix nodeport to avoid sending loopback address out to wire (Backport PR #10884, Upstream PR #10841, @borkmann)
  • CRD: fix allocation logic of identities with the same set of labels (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #11040, @aanm)
  • daemon: Fatal on startup when Identity CRD is enabled without k8s (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #11015, @raybejjani)
  • daemon: Fix the "close of closed channel" panic (Backport PR #11200, Upstream PR #11056, @Sen666666)
  • datapath: Fix wrong rev-NAT xlation due to stale conntrack entry (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #10984, @brb)
  • Do not depend on KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST nor
    KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT environment variables to detect if cilium is running in k8s mode (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #11021, @aanm)
  • Do not skip datapath rewrites when an otherwise duplicate endpoint regeneration requires it. (Backport PR #11038, Upstream PR #10949, @jrajahalme)
  • endpoint: Avoid transient drops during policy map update (Backport PR #11038, Upstream PR #10936, @jrajahalme)
  • Fix issue where --enable-remote-node-identity=false causes policy drops (Backport PR #11038, Upstream PR #11006, @joestringer)
  • Log more information for error 'Unable update CRD identity information with a reference for this node' (Backport PR #10966, Upstream PR #10923, @aanm)
  • Restore node IP behavior of Cilium < 1.7 (Backport PR #11109, Upstream PR #11057, @tgraf)

CI Changes:

Misc Changes:

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