artifacthub helm/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh 2.2.0

latest releases: 2.6.6, 2.7.1, 2.6.5...
2 years ago

v2.2.0 Release Notes

We are so excited to introduce Chaos Mesh v2.2.0, bringing some new awesome features and enhancements!

New Features

  • Introducing AzureChaos: supports VM shutdown/restart, and disk detach on Azure #2821
  • Introducing StatusCheck: checks application health, aborts chaos experiment with workflow when application is unhealthy #2930 #2968 #2983 #3048
  • Outbound force recovery with chaosctl #2992
  • Chaos Dashboard: drag-drop “New Workflow” page (In Preview) #3185


  • TimeChaos: supports JVM based applications and other applications use gettimeofday #2742
  • TimeChaos: completely recover without any side-effects #2942
  • StressChaos: supports cgroupsv2 with docker runtime #2928
  • StressChaos: uses memStress instead of stress-ng for avoiding CPU usage with MemoryStressor #2623 #3186
  • NetworkChaos: supports declaring port with external targets #2932
  • HTTPChaos: supports client-side injection #2555
  • Chaos Dashboard: displays “deleting” status for chaos experiments #2708
  • Helm Chart: uses certain RBAC resources for chaos-dashboard #3145
  • Helm Chart: specifies certain ca bundle for admission webhooks #3190
  • Enriching metrics for monitoring Chaos Mesh components. #2402 #2435 #2458 #2543 #2497 #2540 #2568

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