artifacthub helm/argo/argocd-image-updater 0.10.0

latest releases: 0.10.2, 0.10.1
one month ago

Release description

The version v0.10.0 brings a couple of new and exciting features as well as bug fixes to Argo CD Image Updater.

Major new features:

  • New digest update strategy: This update strategy lets you track the most recent pushed version a single tag, e.g. latest. Image Updater will compare the SHA256 sum of the currently running image to the SHA256 sum of the image in the registry, and update if appropriate.

  • Modify kustomization.yaml directly: In addition to persisting the changes in the parameter overrides, Argo CD Image Updater can now modify a kustomization.yaml directly in order to update the image.

  • Custom Git commit messages: Users can now specify a custom Git commit message using Go string templates.

  • Start with empty image: Argo CD Image Updater is now able to update applications that have no initial image tag specified.

The Argo Project would like to thank the following people for their awesome contributions that made this release possible:

Upgrade notes (no really, you MUST read this)

No special instructions this time.

Bug fixes

  • fix: Prevent update loop with git write-back (#171)
  • fix: Multiple tags on the same image return same order (#173)
  • fix: Prevent concurrent updates to git repositories (#177)
  • fix: Prevent nil pointer deref on emtpy tag with running image (#182)
  • fix: Correctly consider image with force-update set and semver strategy (#192)
  • fix: Images not updated if registry or repository is different with same version (#194)
  • fix: Correctly marshal non-updated images (#203)
  • fix: git client branch function (#213)
  • fix: Fix a possible race condition in metadata retrieval (#215)
  • fix: Don't return original tag if no tag was considered (#219)

New features

  • feat: #164 Send events on image change (#167)
  • feat: Introduce update strategy 'digest' (#176)
  • feat: allow image updates to be forced if container not present #181 (#189)
  • feat: Allow setting custom Git commit messages (#193)
  • feat: allow write-back to actual kustomization files (#200)
  • feat(manifests): add ssh volume mounts and volume (#212)

Other changes

  • chore: Add openssh-client to container image (#165)
  • docs: fix document (#201)
  • docs: Update strategy docs (#178)
  • docs: Update documentation regarding Git write-back (#166)
  • docs: Grammatical fix in (#225)
  • chore: Upgrade Go to v1.16.5 (#229)
  • chore: Upgrade Argo CD dependencies to v2.0.5 (#230)
  • chore: Fix readthedocs builds (#231)
  • docs: Mention support channels and some fixes (#232)

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